Background of the book of exodus

It begins with the birth of moses and the amazing story of how this hebrew child became part of. The book of exodus describes how the israelites escaped from slavery in egypt. The hebrews lived in egypt for 430 years, the greater part of them in slavery. The book of exodus consists mainly of two genres, narrative history and laws. The book concludes with israel at sinai where the tabernacle is completed. Exodus records more miracles of god than any other book in the old testament. Exodus, the liberation of the people of israel from slavery in egypt in the th century.

Book of exodus overview insight for living ministries. After the tenth, the striking dead of the firstborn, pharaoh called moses and aaron and commanded them. This summary of the book of exodus provides information about the title, author s, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of exodus. The title exodus comes from the septuagint, which derived it from the primary event found in the book, the deliverance from slavery and exodus or departure of the. Pharaoh refuses, and the lord sends plagues upon egypt. God rescues and delivers his people as he guides them into the unfamiliar desert. Exodus 3 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. The second book of the pentateuch is called exodus, from the greek word for departure, because its central event was understood by the septuagints translators to be the departure of the israelites from egypt. It takes the story of the israelites from their presence in. Exodus the exodus trilogy book 1 kindle edition by christensen, andreas. Its hebrew title, shemoth names, is from the books opening phrase, these are the names.

Commentary on the book of exodus by matthew henry old. The book of exodus opens and closes with israel at work. He was raised in the royal court of egypt by pharaohs daughter, but he left this place of privilege. Before the israelites left, god struck ten blows the ten plagues against egypt. Exodus carries forward the story of gods fulfillment of his promise to abraham to bless him and make of him a great nation. Leon uris magnificently portrays the birth of a new nation in the midst of enemiesthe beginning of an earthshaking struggle for power.

The book occurred sometime before moses birth in 1526 ex 2 d. It centers on the call of moses, one of the most pivotal men of all history and a participant at the transfiguration. It is a story of liberation and victory over oppression. Biblical scholars describe the bibles theologicallymotivated history writing as salvation history, meaning a history of gods saving actions that give identity to. Bible survery exodus hebrew name velleh shemoth these are the names greek name exodus departure author moses date from 1635 to 1490 bc approximately. The first part of exodus recounts how abrahams family ends up enslaved in egypt. Exodus is a latin word derived from greek exodos, the name given to the book. The mountain is interestingly upside down to show that god actually came down from the top of the mountain through jesus to be with us. This still features mount sinai from the book of exodus. For example, there is the famous song of victory recorded in the fifteenth chapter. Book of exodus i old testament stories i animated childrens bible stories holy tales bible stories duration. It is basic, dramatic, and provides an essential background for all that follows. During this time, israel experienced physical prosperity and increase 1. The story begins after the israelites have been in egypt for several generations.

The israelites sing the song of moses, they praise the lord because he is a great warrior and goes to battle for them, israel rejoices over their deliverance out of egypt, they come to marah and the lord heals the bitter waters, the lord promises healing if he is trusted, they come to an oasis called elim. Appropriately, the book of exodus has been called by some theologians, the most important book in the bible. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. Exodus opens with the israelites change of status from guests to slaves in the land of egypt exodus 12, which sets the stage for the divine rescue of the israelites from egyptian slavery through the leadership of moses exodus 315, their initial journey into the wilderness to the divine mountain exodus 1618, and the divine. It presents the foundation story of israel as a people and provides the background for much of the new testament presentation of jesus. The second book of the torah, or pentateuch, is one of the basic seedplots of the bible. See more ideas about bible crafts, sunday school crafts and bible for kids. History within the text the book of exodus tells how god took pity on the israelites and the means where by he chose to liberate them from the egyptians and their consequent journeys in the the wilderness. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Whereas the book of genesis was the book of beginnings and thus the book began with the creation of the world, but also introduced us to every major doctrine found in the rest of the scripture. Background of exodus moses is born, rescued, and estranged.

It is possible that moses composed the book during or shortly after the encampment of the people at sinai 1446 c. God brought the children of israel out of egypt exodus 12. The book of exodus is the continuation of the story of genesis, and deals with the development of a small group of seventy people into a nation of several million inhabitants. God raises up a deliverer to confront the evil of pharaoh and to liberate the israelites. Introduction to the book of exodus learn religions. As god delivers the israelites, they move into the desert. Book of exodus, session 1 introduction yale divinity school. Exodus begins in egypt where the people of god have been living in slavery to pharaoh. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. The second book of moses is called exodus from the greek word exodos, which signifies going out. Intro to exodus biblica the international bible society. Exodus 14 the lord answers israels cries by raising up moses to deliver them from bondage in egypt exodus 512 moses and aaron ask pharaoh to set the children of israel free.

Exodus 15 background information with maps and images. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. The hebrews, from the words with which it begins, call it veelle shemoth. Challoner it contains the space of 143 years, till the beginning of the. Book of exodus biblical studies oxford bibliographies. The title in the greek, latin, and english versions means a going out, referring to the seminal event of the liberation of israel from egyptian bondage through the wondrous acts and power of god. The feast of the passover is established among israel to commemorate the passing over of the houses of the israelites when god smote the firstborn.

Around 14451405 bc background exodus continues the story that was started in genesis. Mount sinai is a still background to use in your worship service. Jacob and his family entered egypt about 430 years before the exodus 12. The exodus is simultaneously the escape of the people of god, the israelites from egypt, the land of slavery they exit out of slavery into the promised land. Exodus overview george leo haydocks catholic bible. Exodus is an international publishing phenomenonthe towering novel of the twentieth centurys most dramatic geopolitical event. The journey between egypt and the wilderness of sinai and mount sinai took three months to the day ex 19. Introduction to exodus bible commentary theology of work. Summary of the book of exodus the story of the bible. Book of exodus, session 1 introduction the book of exodus is the second book of the torah or pentateuch, the first five books of the old testament. At the onset, the israelites are at work for the egyptians.

Exodus is a latin word derived from greek exodos, the name given to the book by those who translated it into greek. The book of exodus is the second book of the bible and describes the exodus, which includes the israelites deliverance from slavery in egypt through the hand of yahweh, the revelations at biblical mount sinai, and the subsequent divine indwelling of god with israel exodus is traditionally ascribed to moses, but modern scholars see its initial composition as a product of the babylonian. Background to the book of exodus historical situation. The book of exodus details gods call to the people of israel to get up and leave their position of slavery in egypt. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading exodus the exodus trilogy book 1. It was written to record the events of israels deliverance from slavery in egypt. It takes the story of the israelites from their presence in and oppression by egypt up to the reception of the divine law that occupies the entire book of leviticus and much of numbers. And they provide crucial background context to help future readers of scripture understand the entire bibles message of redemption. The second half of the book tells of the covenant that was established between god and israel at sinai and promulgates laws for the ordering of israels life since exodus continues the sacred story of the divine promise to israel begun in genesis. The events covered in the book may be placed against their historical background as follows. By the books end, they have finished the work of building the tabernacle according to the lords instructions exod. Following the assassination attempt marley left jamaica and. Halamish explained is not reenacted in the otto preminger film based on leon uris book. The key personalities include moses, miriam, pharaoh, pharaohs daughter, aaron, and joshua.

The ten commandments and god spoke all these words. The following is a brief presentation of approximate dates of events in the book of exodus. I am the lord your god, who brought you out of egypt, out of the land of slavery. Exodus intro to exodus biblica the international bible society. The name was retained by the latin vulgate, by the jewish author philo a contemporary of christ and by the syriac version. A substantial exegesis of that passage is worth many pages. Chapters 118 narrate the history of the egyptian bondage, the exodus from. Chapters 118 narrate the history of the egyptian bondage, the exodus from egypt, and the journey to mount sinai under the leadership of moses. Exodus is the ninth studio album by jamaican reggae band bob marley and the wailers, first released in june 1977 through island records, following rastaman vibration 1976 on 3 december 1976, an assassination attempt was made on bob marleys life in which his chest was grazed and his arm was struck with a bullet, but he survived. The book of exodus is the second book of the torah or pentateuch, the first five books of the old testament.